CBS SUNDAY MORNING: The Theremin: A strange instrument with a strange history, aired nationally in the U.S.
SCIENCE CHANNEL: Dark Matters: Twisted but True, Season 3, Episode 5, Theremin, aired nationally in the U.S., and internationally on the Discovery Science Channel

Albert Glinsky on History Detectives, with Elyse Luray

HISTORY DETECTIVES: Episode 802, syndicated nationally in the U.S.
A&E CHANNEL: Breakfast With The Arts, aired nationally in U.S. (July 2002)
DISCOVERY CHANNEL: Stealing Secrets, documentary on Soviet espionage, aired nationally in U.S. (June, November 2002)
TALK RADIO EUROPE: Albert Glinsky discusses 'Switched On' with TRE's Giles Brown
NEWSTALK [Ireland]: The Man Who Invented the Synthesizer
PRX: ECHOES: Bob Moog's Electronic Dream--The Story of the Moog Synthesizer
ALL THINGS CONSIDERED: Music Spies and Exact Change: The Strange History of Electronic Tolls
NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO: Studio 360, aired nationally
NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO: Performance Today, syndicated nationally in U.S. (December 2000)
WNYC RADIO: New York City, The Fishko Files, aired on metro area "Morning Edition," (NY, NJ, CT)
PUBLIC RADIO INTERNATIONAL: Open Source, hosted by Christopher Lydon, aired nationally in U.S.

LEFT: Albert Glinsky at Moogfest (2011), with Alan Palomo of Neon Indian, and composer, sound artist, and thereminist, Dorit Chrysler. RIGHT: Glinsky lecturing at CIA Headquarters, Langley, Virginia
BBC RADIO 4: London, Good Vibrations: the story of the theremin, aired nationally in U.K.
BBC RADIO 2: BBC Today, syndicated nationally in U.K. (April 1999)
BBC WORLD SERVICE RADIO: Witness: Leon Theremin: The man and the music machine, broadcast on BBC News Magazine, aired worldwide
WPKN: Electronic Music Night, Connecticut Public Radio (September 2005)
WISCONSIN PUBLIC RADIO: To the Best of Our Knowledge, syndicated nationally in U.S. (January 2002)
CBC RADIO: In Performance, syndicated nationally in Canada (June 2001)
MONEY 4 NOTHING: Moog’s World: The Story Behind the Synthesizer Behind Modern Music
THINGS WE SAID TODAY: Albert Glinsky discusses 'Switched On' with Allan Kozinn, Ken Michaels, and Darren DeVivo
NEW BOOKS NETWORK: Albert Glinsky discusses 'Switched On' with Nathan Smith
THE ECONOMIST: Babbage: What's the Frequency, Kenneth?
GESCHICHTEN AUS DER GESCHICHTE: (Germany) Leon Theremin – Was die Anfänge der elektronischen Musik mit Überwachungstechniken zu tun haben
SPYCRAFT 101: (Available on Audible) The Inventions and Espionage of Leon Theremin
IMAGINARY WORLDS: Embracing the Spooky-Spooky
WBUR STYLUS RADIO PODCAST: The Sound of Science Fiction
RED BULL MUSIC ACADEMY: Russian Espionage and Electromagnetic Fields: The Story of the Theremin
RED BULL MUSIC ACADEMY: Minimoog: The First Truly Portable Synthesizer

LEFT: Filming Science Channel, "Dark Matters." RIGHT: "Spellbound" DVD with Albert Glinsky Special Features interview
DOCUMENTARY: Sine of the Times: The History and Evolution of the Electronic Synthesizer, directed by Anthony D. Norton (2006)
DOCUMENTARY: Therementary, documentary film produced by CBC Television, aired nationally in Canada (1997)
MOOG MUSIC INC: A Brief History of the Theremin, Interview/Demonstration